Break into being (Summer), 2025, oil on canvas, 72 x 60 cm
At the edge of the forest, where the meadows last years grass meets the slumbering wind throws of the deep woods, Jenny Carlsson Grip places a stretched canvas. New canvases follow, some as big as the impression of the landscape, some small and close to the pictured. The scale is fitted to the painter's gaze that moves through the undergrowth, close to the sticks and thorns of the ground, to meet the place right by the tipping point, when the day begins out of the remains of the night, to break into being.
The branches reach up towards the first and the last light, the skies having borne witness in the same way, generation by generation. With Burned Umber under the nails the roots crawl forth over white moss and fat soil down towards the lake, where the half light of dawn shimmer in Kings Blue Deep amongst colour tube lids and clotted linseed oil.
The plants grow through the dark colour and wait for a light that is exactly measured between what has been, what will come and the blazing glow of the present, and into that break into being.
To meet the place in painting is to split it up, to release it from itself, and stay in the cut with two open parts. To place the one hand towards the layers of colour on the canvas and at the same time run the other hand deep into the earth, follow down to the subsoil waters, sink into the memories of ages. The sprouts grow upwards through the earth layers, through animal bones, fireplaces, glass beads, foundations, farm machines, up to the hill where the petals meet the first sun, and there break into being.
The Swedish word ”bild” (image) is connected with the word ”bila” (to split or a broad-axe) and with the Old Swedish ”billing” (twin). The image split the pictured into a twin, the painting plow rows into the image of its own earth crust, at the same time as the place stay there out of time.
The stretched canvas become a twin also to the painter, placed by the edge of the forest to create a cut surface to make trips into, Jenny Carlsson Grip reach through to the place and the twins clasp hands. The painter and the painting break into being.
Text Kristoffer Grip
Jenny Carlsson Grip, born 1984, lives and works in Ronneby, Sweden. Jenny Carlsson Grip holds a BFA and MFA from Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Sweden, 2013.
Jenny Carlsson Grip’s work has been shown at Prince Eugen’s Waldemarsudde, Stockholm; Norrtälje konsthall; Malmö Konsthall; Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm; Kulturcentrum Ronneby Konsthall; Bildmuseet, Umeå; Kalmar konstmuseum; Färgfabriken, Stockholm; Galerie Forsblom in Stockholm and Helsinki, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, among others.
Jenny Carlsson Grip has received grants from The Swedish Art Grants Committee, Ann-Margret Lindells Stipendiefond and Vera och Göran Agnekils Stipendium from the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts. Jenny Carlsson Grip is the recipient of Åke Andrén Foundation Art Award 2022.
Jenny Carlsson Grip’s work is in the permanent collection of Stockholm Konst; Region Jönköping; Region Blekinge; Ronneby Kommun; Sundbybergs Stad; Uppsala Kommun; Karlskrona kommun; Karlshamns kommun; Västerbottens museum; Blekinge Museum; TIA-collection, US; and Aalto University, Finland, among others.